Party Ends

Party Ends lyrics

by API

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October 1, 2021

Party Ends

[Verse 1]
Oh girl, why you caught my attention like this
The situation is not right for now
With you sometime can you tell me no, yeah
I ain't got no time to drink with you,no
You showed no emotion you have done yeah
Places straight to you anytime you're thinkin'
Sure, you can blame it for being naive, ah
I never knew i could feel so much-

Gotta let you go
You've been passing time
Down a lonesome road
And you'll see my face
Gotta let you go, oh girl
You've been passing time
Down a lonesome road
And you'll see my face

[Verse 2]
I don't party every weekend like you. yeah
You turn around and you beg me to stay, ah
Shows you seem to break somebody's heart, yeah
I tell my self that nobody cares, no
I thought you were different i was wrong, yeah
The worst part is making the choice to do it
I was not bad but you called me bad yeah, ah
Don't tell me what they said about-

Gotta let you go
You've been passing time
Down a lonesome road
And you'll see my face
Gotta let you go, oh girl
You've been passing time
Down a lonesome road
And you'll see my face

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